Opphalo LS-1200 works in short pulses of 15 and 30 milliseconds, below the thermal relaxation time of the hair in order to get a thermal damage in the germ cells which are responsible for the hair growth. The efficiency is the same, although we should to increase the number of sessions with high melanin density skins (types IV, V and VI in Fitzpatrick scale) in which we will work in long pulses, from 100 to 400 milliseconds.
General Characteristics
Hight power diode laser and intensity : 1.200W. / 200A.
6 diodes (german gold bars 200w).
Working temperature from -5º until -10ºc.
We deliver the energy by demand and with out capacitors.
Double power supply.
Pulses and power can be configured from 15ms to 400ms with energy 60J/cm².
Optimum spot for multizone area with size of 10x12 mm.